5 Benefits of DAM for Your Business

Digital asset management will give your business a boost with BIG benefits. Here’s why.

If you struggle to find the digital assets you seek when you need them most, you’re not alone. The average organization accumulates hundreds of terabytes of content over its lifetime, making the storage and retrieval of precise content virtually impossible without some serious organization, automation, and management processes in place. And while the KonMari method might work for the clothing, books, and toys that no longer “spark joy” in your home, deleting digital assets that may not make you happy in the present could be bad for your business in the long run.

#1 – Centralized management of all digital assets

DAM serves as a centralized digital asset management platform for media-rich organizations. The system gathers and stores all assets from various databases and departments within the organization so that you can find, retrieve, share, and publish the assets of your choosing, whenever and wherever they are needed. What’s more, the system also holds enriched, embedded, and customizable metadata about each asset it stores, such as the asset’s origin, technical specifications, copyright information, associated keywords, and more – and makes sure this metadata is always readily accessible.

#2 – Saves you time, money, and manpower

DAM provides a complete picture of all the assets available within your organization and enables their streamlined distribution. This way, creation and production cycles can be accelerated, while reducing the risk of older assets being lost or misplaced in the shuffle. As such, organizations utilizing DAM spend less time, money, and manpower creating and re-creating materials when their need arises.

#3 – Enables quick and efficient search

DAM’s highly-specialized search capabilities and processes leverage categories, sub-categories, collections, filters, keywords and tagging (manual and automatic), making it possible to locate desired content with speed and ease. Said capabilities extend beyond the realm of simple, traditional asset storage systems, which allow for searches by file name and/or date, and maybe a small selection of additional (shallow) parameters. 

#4 – Serves as a single source of truth

Say goodbye to content mismatches and their subsequent miscommunications! DAM ensures that all users and stakeholders within and beyond the borders of an organization use only the most recent, approved-of versions of the company’s materials, as it enables everyone (who is granted permission) to track updates in real-time, while still being able to access each file’s history. This ensures brand consistency, marketing efficiency & effectiveness, improved collaboration by team members who are all always in the loop, and maximization of talents’ time and resources, i.e. harmonization. 

Using DAM means ascertaining guaranteed compliance with brand guidelines, every time.

#5 – Makes it easy to securely share digital assets

DAM makes sharing digital assets easy and secure, online and on social media platforms. This, so as to maximize the utilization of the organization’s marketing assets when sharing internally to promote collaboration among teams, or externally, to achieve marketing goals. Governance over permissions access allows users to master control how users interact with the content, granting select access to more sensitive information on a “need to know” basis. All users need is their unique access code and they can easily and securely share digital assets to the right eyes, at the right times. 

DAM, those benefits!

DAM systems centralize and streamline the creation, management, and preservation of digital assets, enhancing organizational efficiency and driving business goal achievement. Whether your organization is in need of its first-ever DAM system, or its existing DAM solution does not provide all the benefits highlighted above, Idea’s MasterDAM platform can give your company the competitive edge it seeks, all from a single source (of truth).

Want to learn more?  Contact us to discuss how Idea’s MasterDAM system can disrupt the status quo within your organization – for the better!

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